Contact Us: Submission #3318

Submission information
Submission Number: 3318
Submission ID: 43815
Submission UUID: b3414955-7854-4b27-a99a-8cef093d35e8
Submission URI: /content/contact-us

Created: Mon, 08/12/2024 - 06:39
Completed: Mon, 08/12/2024 - 06:39
Changed: Mon, 08/12/2024 - 06:39

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Webform: Contact
Submitted to: Contact Us
Your Name Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd.
Your Email
Subject 🚨 Beware of Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd Scam! 🚨
Message 🚨 Beware of Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd Scam! 🚨

I want to share my unfortunate experience with Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd, a fraudulent company posing as a legitimate trading business. They reached out to me via email, pretending to be interested in purchasing my products. Here’s their contact info they used:

Company Name: Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd.
Contact Person: Nellybrown
Tel: +8613123456789
How They Operate:
Fake Inquiries: They initially send emails expressing interest in your products, asking for price quotes and details. This is to gain your trust.

Advance Payment Scam: Once you engage with them, they ask for upfront payments for "shipping" or other bogus fees, claiming it’s part of the transaction process.

Disappearance: After receiving the money, they vanish, leaving you with no response or follow-up.

How to Protect Yourself:
Verify the Company: Always do thorough research on the company, checking for reviews and legitimacy before engaging in any business transactions.

Avoid Advance Payments: Never send money upfront for fees or services unless you have verified the company's authenticity.

Check Contact Information: Be cautious of unprofessional emails or contact numbers that don't match the company’s supposed location.

What You Can Do:
Report: If you have fallen victim to this scam, report it to your local authorities and consumer protection agencies.

Spread the Word: Share your experience on social media and online forums to warn others about Nellybrown Trading Company Ltd.

Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on common scams and tactics used by fraudsters.

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